Pansy Twix® F1 mix ‘Ladys Choice’


  • Vibrant winter colour
  • Large, showy heads with very early and repeat-flowering
  • Fully hardy
  • Supplied as well established seedling plug plants ready for potting on
  • Final height/spread: 20x20cm
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Delivered in 3-5 Working Days.


Viola x cornuta

We all love a bright splash of colour in our gardens, and whilst this is easy to achieve during the summer months, as the nights draw in our thoughts turn to the winter ahead. Pansies are one of the few plants that in a sheltered position really do perform through the cold and grey months, and add that much-needed vibrancy to what can otherwise be drab surroundings. Exceptionally early flowering, and exceptionally hardy, they will keep repeat flowering all the way through to spring and early summer except in really cold snaps. Offered as a mix which includes bold primary colours and pastles, pot on now and plant out in mid-autumn, to provide a knock-out show all winter long. Perfect in containers, baskets or as seasonal gap-fillers in mixed borders.


Delivery Details

In stock for immediate dispatch - expect delivery within 3-5 working days

Delivered in 3-5 Working Days.

Pot on in a good quality compost, either into small pots, or modular trays. Keep moist and in a sunny position for maximum growth – a cool glasshouse is ideal. Plant into final posiotn in mid autumn, once well-established and fully rooted through.
Position: full/partial sun. dead-head and occasionally give a light feed to encourage repaeat flowering


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