Iris ‘Katharine Hodgkin’


  • Intricate pale blue, yellow and dark blue flowers
  • Easy to grow award winning dwarf iris
  • Sweet violet-like scent
  • Early flowering
  • Supplied as top quality dutch bulbs
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Delivered in 3-5 Working Days.


Amazing intricately coloured flowers adorn this award winning dwarf iris. Flowering in late winter / early spring, the pale blue flowers criss crossed by a web of deep blue veins and sporting yellow blotched centres give of a wonderful sweet scent too. The colours and scent of this flower which frequently produces 2 heads per bulb are the perfect harbinger of spring!

Supplied as top quality dutch bulbs

Delivery Details

Delivered within 3-5 working days

Delivered in 3-5 Working Days.

Plants bulbs aprroximately 8cm deep in well draining soil and a sunny position.
Plant in clusters for maximum effect.
Final height and spread 10cm x 7cm


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